
The grass roots of the u3a is its Special Interest Groups. Convened by the members for the members, anyone can form a group that reflects their special interest. Covering a vast range of subjects, most groups welcome people of all abilities.

If you are interested in joining a group, please contact the convenor via the bird on the specific group webpage for more information.

To find a Beccles u3a group go to the Group Pages.

A special message to group convenors.

Until the necessary training begins, which will enable you to update your group pages, any changes you may want to be made can be requested by Clicking on the link Request a Group Page Update, and completing the form, the web team will then update your page on your behalf and send confirmation to you.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.

SiteWorks training dates have been arranged for convenors to attend and learn how to manage their own group pages.

To book a place on a session, please complete the attached form: Online Booking Form For SiteWorks Training

There are over 60 special interest groups available to all Beccles u3a members, they range from Arts and Crafts, Languages, Music and other activities.

If you are interested in joining a particular group, you may attend 2 sessions without charge before attending any further sessions. However, the group convenor may, at their discretion, ask for a contribution if the meeting incurs significant expense.

NB. If you are not a registered Beccles u3a member you will be required to join Beccles u3a before you can attend any further sessions.

To find out what is available go to the Group Pages and have a look.

If you can't find the group you had in mind, and would be interested in running something of special interest to yourself, why not contact the Committee Chair and propose your new group. There are always groups that are proposed and listed below, all they need is a convenor and a couple of members.

Proposed New Groups

If you can help convene or would like to join any of the following new groups, please contact Pippa at Committee Chair.

Walking Group 1 is still looking for a new convenor.
This is a very friendly group of about 25 walkers who enjoy each other's company. Many of their members have been walking regularly with the group since its formation in 2015 and are very welcoming to newcomers to the group.

Willow Weaving - what a great addition to our selection of Special Interest groups, make baskets, mats, planters and more using the age old skill of weaving willow

Metal Detecting - enjoy foraging for history in fields and on beaches. You never know, you might find treasure.

Chess - believed to have been invented in China, this is the ultimate strategy game where every move counts

Online Groups

in addition to the groups organised and convened by members of Beccles u3a, there are also many online groups available some of which are not available through our branch.
To find out more click on Interest Groups Online

Groups listed alphabetically

Last Updated on 19 September 2024

Special Interest Groups
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